
Legal assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Criminal and Penal Law

When you are faced with difficulties related to charges of criminal offenses, it is essential to have someone working with you who, will be able to guide and advise you during this process. At Lord Avocats, we have a long track record of representing clients in court.

  • Alcohol or drugs while driving
  • Dangerous driving and hit and run
  • Highway Safety Code violations
  • Restricted license
  • Offenses against the person:
    ∙ Assaults
    ∙ Threats
  • Possession of drugs and narcotics
  • Economic crimes offenses:
    ∙ Fraud
    ∙ Tax law violations
    ∙ Corruption
    ∙ Breach of trust
    ∙ Infringements under the AMF
    ∙ Offenses under the Competition Act

Ethics and Governance

In today's world, companies must adopt a code of ethics and a governance policy. This is recommended good practice in order to reflect the values of the company and to prevent any breach of ethics. That’s why, at Lord Lawyer, we have developed cutting-edge expertise in these issues.

  • Governance analysis
  • Reputation analysis
  • Administrative restructuring
  • raining of management staff and the board of directors
  • Identification of reputational risks
  • Preparation of accreditation requests before the Public Procurement Authority (AMP)

Other services

Transportation Law

  • Diverse representations before multiple instances
  • Management of d’évaluation des propriétaires et des exploitants de véhicules lourds (PEVL) Records
  • Representation before the Commission des transports du Québec (CTQ)

Administrative Investigations

  • Coroner’s investigations
  • AMF’s investigations
  • Any other investigations

Disciplinary Law

  • Administrative investigation
  • Audition before a disciplinary committee

Search warrant

  • Assistance during a perquisition
  • Analysis and contestation of a search warrant

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